The New Museum


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The location

The new building of the Bavarian Natural History Museum is being built next to the existing Museum Mensch und Natur, nestled between the Nymphenburg Palace Park and the Botanical Garden. The planned museum fits seamlessly into this attractive Nature-Culture-Quarter: where nature, culture and science meet. And what’s more, the castle park is a biodiversity hotspot in the middle of the city with numerous species of birds, mammals and insects as well as mixed forests, meadows and bodies of water. Likewise, the Botanical Garden, with its 16,000 plant species and diverse program, is worth a visit at any time of the year and offers habitat for numerous birds and insects. The offers of the Bavarian Natural History Museum will help to raise awareness of this biodiversity for guests to the Nature-Culture-Quarter.

The new building

The planned new museum building is based on the plans of Staab Architekten (Berlin): Inside, more than 7,000 square meters of space are available for a variety of public offers. Here you can discover a mix of unique exhibits and installations, immerse yourself in unknown worlds with all your senses and experiment yourself. The ground floor welcomes museum guests with free admission and conveys the character of the Bavarian Natural History Museum: an open house for everyone, a place of education as well as of being together, of dialogue and experience.

The outdoor areas

The new building will be surrounded by two outdoor facilities: in its inner courtyard and on its western side. These outdoor areas were designed by the Berlin studio LOIDL in cooperation with the Berlin studio Animal-Aided-Design (AAD) and the Stuttgart-based Office for Living Architecture.

“Animal Aided Design” includes planning with wild animal species in mind, making them an integral part of the design. The needs of the animal species provide the framework while serving as inspiration for the design itself. The planned outdoor facilities of the Bavarian Natural History Museum are to be made particularly attractive for twelve animal species, including the house sparrow, the European kestrel, the common brimstone, the emperor dragonfly, but also the smooth newt and marsh frog. Nesting boxes, water baths, a wetland biotope, as well as a tailor-made planting concept that offers space for food and shelter create the prerequisites for these animals to feel at home at the Bavarian Museum of Natural History.

In addition, a botanical installation made from living trees is planned, which will be created especially for the museum. “Baubotanik” makes use of the growth of plants to create living, walk-in structures. Museum visitors can experience tree life on discovery- trails from trunk to crown in a multisensory way and gain an understanding of trees as organisms, oxygen sources, shade providers and as a habitat for a variety of living beings.

Exhibitions and Programs

The Bavarian Natural History Museum will be our exhibition and communication platform for the fields of natural history, life sciences, environment and health. Attractive exhibitions and programs invite you to change your perspective. They increase the visibility of the SNSB’s collections and encourage dialogue between visitors and researchers.

With proven elements of the current Museum Mensch und Natur, fascinating objects and research findings from the Bavarian State Natural History Collections, as well as the ideas of BIOTOPIA – as the project was formerly named – the planning team is developing the Bavarian Natural History Museum for you.


Then visit our Future Lab with changing exhibitions in the Museum Mensch und Natur and our BIOTOPIA Lab in the Botanical Garden. There you can learn more about our ideas and talk to us!